OK, so, who brought this thing to you?
The Innocent Blood project was created by Worlds
Nest Comic Studio. There are more people involved than you
might ever suppose. So then:
Milena "Motoko" Tupadlo - author of those
breathtaking illustrations, who spend her long nights tweaking
and adjusting. She is also the one who designed all the characters
and gave them life. If not for her, the Innocent Blood woul
not exist in its current shape. It is her first comic illustration
to be published.
Bartek "Godai" Biedrzycki - a long-time writer
(of sorts) and the guy who conceived the original idea. He also
takes care of the lettering and general editorial stuff, as
well as the website. Previously he has published a few short
comics online as well as a longer series, that was later small-printed.
People outside WN that helped us:
Aneta - a professional writer, working for TV. She ensured
the story stuck together well and was full of priceless advice
when the writing was done.
Radek "Erb" - our very own firearms advisor, who
helped all things that were gun-related in this project.
The main logo was written using a font by Nerfect
Type Laboratories, while the mottos are written with with
a font designed by Anke
Arnold. The lettering uses A.C.M.E. Secret Agent font from
There are also countless other faceless minions, who contributed
in one way or another, giving us pieces of advice, encouraging
and in any other way supporting our efforts to bring this project
All of whom we thank. If not for you, we may have not succeeded.